Okay, so it has been a minute since I have done any updating on Action Plan. Truth is, I turned all of my focus to working on building my Pinterest and the connected blog and e-commerce store. Both of these revenue streams are in my 10 income stream list and I figured they were quick ones to get the ball rolling on. So that's what I have been doing. I took an old account that focuses on Women's fashion (why? because 95% of Pinterest users or female) and had 40k monthly views and went in hard on it. To the point were yesterday the account surpassed 100k monthly users.
Check out the Stone River Outfitters Pinterest account here.
Now how do I generate revenue from this you ask? Simple. I created stonecreek-outfitters.com . This site consists of a blog were I discuss fashion trends and within those posts are affiliate links, mostly to amazon. The store is set up in much the same fashion and all the products are direct links to amazon with my affiliate link. As soon as a lead clicks on any of the links and is taken to Amazon, everything they purchase with in 24 hrs, I receive a commission on. Its a pretty simple process, the hardest part is driving the traffic.
You're probably asking, "Timothy, why don't you just post your affiliate links straight to Pinterest and forget the website?" That would be a good question. The issue is, posting affiliate links from amazon on social media is against their policies and will eventually get your account suspended. That's why I created the website. Plus in the future, I can build additional outlets on the Stone River site.
So the combination of Pinterest, my Stone River Blog, and the Amazon Associates account has aloud me to generate the first $10.55. Now a lot of work has gone into this over the past week and you may roll your eyes at such a minuscule amount. But just remember, building things take time and that little bit should be a motivation for you. It is for me. I want to see that number grow. My task now is automating this system. How do I do that?
So for automating my Pinterest account, because that's the main traffic source, I use a website called Tailwind. Tailwind allows me to schedule all my pins at one time, setting description, board, and back link. It is really an amazing tool. It also has an affiliate link through ShareAsale, but I am too lazy to go through that process. But it could be another way for you to generate income in the future. You can check out Tailwind here.
It may not be a lot now but all great things have small beginnings. You just have to put in the work. Let me know how you are generating traffic from your Pinterest account and what you have done to monetize that traffic!